Mary Poppins - Muny 2013 - page 26

SUMMER PROGRAM 2013 / 314.746.3786
Not FDIC-Insured – May Lose Value – No Bank Guarantee
When Mike Isaacson invited us to design this season’s program cover, we were thrilled
and jumped at the opportunity. Since we’re officially retiring from summer stock this
year, Mike suggested that our cover design incorporate “what The Muny has come to
mean” for us over the 20 summer seasons we’ve spent in Forest Park. And since we
spend most of our time backstage, that became the inspiration for the design.
Backstage at The Muny, in the shadows behind the scenery, where actors wait, is a
magical place to us, and possibly a mysterious one to those who sit in the seats out front. With
bright lights streaming through an opening, we catch a glimpse of the orchestra conductor and
the audience, suggesting the excitement and anticipation that accompanies a night in Forest Park,
under the stars at The Muny.
Oh, and of course, perched above is a resident raccoon, known to steal the show more than once!
If you look closely, you’ll see a little mouse, too; he’s watching the audience watching the show. The
actors are rather short and squatty, much like Munchkins; the arm of a spear carrier-in-waiting
is a tribute to all the members of the ensemble. The actors, along with the giant moon and stars,
add to the playful mood, for creative work must always be rooted in play. And so, this season’s
program cover is our attempt to conjure the magic of this place, where we’ve been lucky enough
to work and play all these years.
Sam and Steve Gilliam
Cover Story
Written by Sam and Steve Gilliam, Muny scenic designers
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