U.S. Bank CDs –
Long Term Savings and a Guaranteed
Rate of Return!
Looking for a competitive interest rate? Need to diversify the overall risk in your portfolio?
Maximize your investment and take advantage of our competitive rates on CDs (Certificates of
Deposit) with a U.S. Bank CD.
• Special promotional offers with higher interest rates
• Guarantees a fixed rate of return
• Open with as little as $1,000
• Provides the security of FDIC insurance
• A variety of term lengths available
Stop by your St. Louis area office for more information! Visit usbank.com/locations
for the office nearest you!
1.CD special rates are applicable for maximum deposit of $249,999.99 with a $1,000 minimum opening deposit.Penalty will be imposed
for early withdrawal. Fees could reduce earnings. Offer and same term apply for business CDs and Individual Retirement Accounts. Not
valid for brokerage deposits, institutional investors, Public Funds, or in conjunction with other promotional offers. 2. FDIC insured to the
maximum allowed by law. Deposit products offered by U.S. Bank National Association. Member FDIC ©2013 U.S. Bank
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