Mary Poppins - Muny 2013 - page 58

You are our Partners in Art.
The mission of The Muny is to enrich lives by producing exceptional musical
theatre accessible to all continuing our remarNable tradition in )orest ParN. )ulÀlling
that mission takes talent, expertise, teamwork and lots of support. Unlike many
institutions in Forest Park, The Muny receives no tax-support from the Zoo-Museum
District, Missouri Arts Council or Regional Arts Commission. Support from our
Partners ensures that The Muny will continue its commitment to create, produce and
share magical musical evenings in Forest Park, accessible to all in our community. If
you aren’t a Muny Partner already, we encourage you to become one today!
The Muny Legacy Society
As The Muny looks toward the future, we deeply appreciate the following
contributors who have pledged signiÀcant Ànancial resources to our (ndowment.
(ndowment gifts safeguard the Muny’s technical and artistic capacities, allow us to
address capital needs and remain a landmark institution for generations to come.
The Alberici Foundation
Marion & Van-Lear Black III
Parker B. Condie, Sr. Family
Drury Hotels
Donald Fassold
Charles P. & June Gallagher
Doug & Vicki Hill
William & Kerry Holekamp
Interco Charitable Trust
Henry O. & Sally Johnston
The JSM Charitable Trust and
Mr. & Mrs. James S. McDonnell, III
Catherine Frances Juergens Memorial Fund
Peter & Susan Krombach
Oliver* & Mary Langenberg
Michael & Margaret Ann Latta
Ned & Sally Lemkemeier
Richard G. Millman
Charles W. & Janet T. Mueller
Greg, Terese & Jenna Portell
Ruth Davis & Wylie Todd Charitable Foundation
and several Anonymous donors
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