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upport The Muny
Greg & Becky Smith 2010
Steve & Kris Sneeringer 2000
Jerry* & Susan Snyder 2012
VJ Snyder & Family 1997
John Sopuch, M.D. 1987
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Soukenik 1994
Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Speidel 2002
Mrs. Harold Spellmeyer 2000
Dave & Suzie Spence 1981
Dr. & Mrs. Craig Spenner 2009
Mrs. Howard Sperber 1997
Dr. Andrew C. Spitzfaden 2006
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas C. Sproull 1992
Curt & Diann Spurr 2012
Mrs. Robert D. Stanza 1994
Julia & Tom Steed 2004
Jane H. Steinman* 1969
Kate & Howard Stephens 1998
Kathleen C. & Joseph C. Stewart, Jr. 2004
C. F. Stolwyk Family 1984
Mr. & Mrs. E. Craig Stone 1999
Cathie & Joe Stricker 2011
Dr. & Mrs. David A. Striker 2011
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Stupp, Jr. 2005
Della Kay Sullivan 1986
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Sullivan 2008
Grenville & Dianne Sutcliffe 2005
Tim & Elizabeth Swank 1998
Lisa Syberg 2008
Kathi & Ken Tacony 1998
Craig & Cindy Tapperson 2006
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth F. Teasdale 1986
Marty & Susie Tendler 2011
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Thaman 1999
Jim & Gerry Thompson 1996
Mr. & Mrs. W. Scott Thompson 2003
Christie & Larry Tietjen 2011
Phyllis R. Tirmenstein 1990
Terrence Tobin 2000
Pam & Craig Toder 1996
Robin D. Towle 1987
Patricia Trout Trust 2011
Mrs. Robert J. Trulaske, Jr. 2002
Mrs. Robert J. Trulaske, Sr. 2002
Ardeen & Otto N. Tucker, Jr. 1987
John & Lucy Tucker 1987
Tull Family 2012
C. M. Turley, Jr. 1931
Robert & Marsha* Uhlenhop 1994
Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Vancil 1987
In memory of
Gene & Berenice Vescovo 1987
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Volansky 2007
Mr. & Mrs. E. William Voss
Karen Wagener 1966
Steve & Kay Waggoner 2008
J. R. & Mia Walters 1994
Mel Ward 2008
Virginia & Dorothy Weidle 1999
Dr. & Mrs. Alan Weiss 1989
Mr. & Mrs. George J. West 1994
Mrs. Ted Wetterau 1987
Dr. & Mrs. Jack Wier 1993
Dale & Vickie Wilson 1993
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Windsor, Jr. 2012
William F. Wischmeyer 1956
Chester & Pam Wolkowitz 1987
George H. Wood Family 2009
Kathleen Wood & Paul Taylor 2011
Robert & Helen Wood 2000
Kathryn L. Workman 2003
Robert R. Zahnweh 1994
and several Anonymous donors
Albers / Kuhn Family Foundation
Henry O. Johnston Family Fund
North Star Frozen Treats
Ruth D. & Wylie Todd Charitable Foundation
YouthBridge Community Foundation
Muny Kids, Muny Teens & Youth Chorus
The Muny Kids, Muny Teens and Youth Chorus serve as talented Goodwill
Ambassadors, performing regularly throughout the St. Louis region. These programs
also serve as a training opportunity for talented children (age 7 to 13) and teenagers
(age 14 to 18). We gratefully thank the following for their support of these programs.
Community Outreach Program
Increased engagement with and access to live musical theatre is essential to
the mission of The Muny. We thank the following for their support, allowing us to
provide free admission for our Community Outreach partners targeting at-risk youth,
William T. Kemper Foundation
Monsanto Fund