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St. LouisanMary Engelbreit has won international
recognition as an illustrator and graphic artist. An
entire industry has grown up around her, and she
is known throughout the world for her distinctive
illustration style, imbued with spirited wit and
nostalgic warmth. The Muny is honored to feature
her original artwork as this season’s program cover.
“Growing up in St. Louis, I of course, have many wonderful memories
of The Muny. My sister and I went with our grandmother, our
parents, and then, when I got a little older, with boys who realized
the free seats, along with a little picnic dinner eaten beforehand in
the park, were a great way to spend virtually no money on a date and
yet still seem incredibly classy. As a matter of fact, one of my first dates
with my now-husband, Phil Delano, was an evening in the free seats
watching Yul Brynner in
The King and I
“So I was completely flattered and very
honored when Mike Isaacson asked me to
design the program for this year. I tried to
capture the magic I felt as a child, and the
satisfaction I later felt as a parent bringing
my kids here, continuing a great St. Louis
summertime tradition. I hope you enjoy it as
much as I enjoyed drawing it!”